The Long “Pivot” Home
My first experience with the word “pivot” was a fateful one. It was 2001, the bubble had burst and the writing was on the wall. I had founded a dot com consulting company two years earlier and we were running out of cash fast. I can vividly recall a late night sitting on the floor huddled in the corner of our office with my partners and deciding that we were going to change course and invest the last of our money in productizing some of the intellectual property that had sprung out of our consulting practice. Just like that, without any real understating of consequences I left the world of technology consulting for the world of software products.
From Synthis to LIFT Retail to Verifone, I spent the next 14 years, pivoting many more times, but always building products. Finally, I knew in my gut I was a square peg in a round hole and I left Verifone in 2015 thinking that it was time to get back to my next software product startup.
Rather dishearteningly, my startup ideas quickly lost their appeal. After spending some time soul searching, I decided to start Rocket Partners as a digital marketing agency helping people optimize online ad campaigns. I had an ad tech background, knew how to leverage technology as a differentiator and thought outsourced SEO/SEM work was going to be my fast path to positive cash flow.
I think one of the interesting things about getting older is that it seems to be getting harder to fool myself and it is definitely harder to fool the people who know me. As soon as I hung out my Rocket Partners shingle, my network started bringing me interesting software development consulting opportunities. I fought it. I told myself I wanted to work on a business not work in a business and that I should stay the digital marketing course. The evidence was compelling. I was miserable in the SEO/SEM world but loved building custom software and had a waiting pipeline of projects.
After 15+ years of pivots, it was time for one more. A pivot back home to where the journey began to where I had fallen in love with technology and customer service. I embraced my “why” with a hard won understanding that my “why” is to help other people figure out their “how.”
Two years in, the Rocket Partners team has grown to include world class cloud architects and software developers. Happily, we have been so busy working for a growing stable of amazing clients that we have not had time to change our website or tell the world what it is that we are actually passionate about.
So here it is – Rocket Partners is an enterprise cloud consultancy based in Atlanta and Denver. We are passionate about solving complex technology challenges for our clients and the power of the cloud to accelerate creative solutions. Rocket Partners cloud experts help companies launch and love their big ideas.
If you are interested in moving your critical IT assets to the cloud for the first time or if you just want a fresh look at your architecture and spend, get in touch. I would love to see if Rocket Partners can help you next year.